
Below is a list of administrators that have utilized Education Lane services.

Reach out to anyone listed below to learn how Education Lane can assist your school.

"Dr. Weber has been an outstanding resource for our school improvement efforts. She has influenced student growth by her ability to connect data to improved instructional design."

Beth Rock
School Improvement Coordinator
Lowpoint Washburn School District

Developing an understanding of the IL accountability system, indicators for success, summative designations, and aligning instruction to standardized assessments.

New Berlin CUSD #16

Jilinda Larson, Superintendent

Data literacy

Sarah Cacciatore, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning Mundelein School District 75

Data analysis of the indicators used annually for summative designations on the Illinois Report Card.

Oak Grove Elementary #

Allison Sherman, Superintendent

School improvement process, attendance protocols, student management matrix, and curriculum alignment.

Decatur Public Schools

Eldon Conn, Director of Student Services